The first two consecutive numbers to have two distinct prime factors are:
14 = 2 7
15 = 3 5
The first three consecutive numbers to have three distinct prime factors are:
644 = 2² 7
645 = 3 5
646 = 2 17
Find the first four consecutive integers to have four distinct primes factors. What is the first of these numbers?
My Solution
(defun factorlist(num)
(loop for i from 2 to (floor (sqrt num))
when(zerop (rem num i))
collect i
when(zerop (rem num i))
collect (/ num i)))
(defun primep (n)
(cond ((minusp n) 'nil)
((= 2 n) t)
((evenp n) 'nil)
((= 1 n) 'nil)
(t (let ((limit (floor (sqrt n))))
(do ((i 3 (incf i 2)))
((> i limit) t)
(if (= 0 (mod n i)) (return-from primep 'nil)))))))
(defun FourePrimeFactors(l)
(length (remove-if-not #'primep l)))
(defun Euler47(n)
(loop for i from 100000 to n
do(if (and (= 4 (FourePrimeFactors (factorlist i)))
(= 4 (FourePrimeFactors (factorlist (+ i 1))))
(= 4 (FourePrimeFactors (factorlist (+ i 2))))
(= 4 (FourePrimeFactors (factorlist (+ i 3)))))
(return i))))
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