First, I want to talk something about the Hyperlink type column. If you have already used the Object Model to read a hyperlink type field before, you would found that if you use the toString() function, you would get a string whose format is "url,description". I need use it later.
string strBatch = @"<Method ID='1' Cmd='New'>
<Field Name='Title'>Sample Title</Field>
<Field Name='Url'>, Microsoft Site</Field>
UserGroupWebService.UserGroup ugService=new UserGroupWebService.UserGroup();<Field Name='Title'>Sample Title</Field>
<Field Name='Url'>, Microsoft Site</Field>
If you don't know how to use this code snippet, please see my previous post about the SharePoint web service.
Adding a new item with Person type column would be a little complicated compared to hyperlink. You also can use the toString() to see what's the format it is. Then you would find that the format is"ID;#domain\\account". When you use the web service, you can simply use the format "ID;domain\\account".So you need know the ID first, you can use another service Usergroup.asmx.
XmlNode ugNode=ugService.GetUserInfo("Server\\LoginName");
XmlDocument ugdoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList ugList = ugdoc.GetElementsByTagName("User");
string id = ugList[0].Attributes["ID"].Value;
Then you can use the ID to add a new item with a person type field like below:<Field Name='User'>ID;#domian\\account</Field>
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